- The "Bryennios list" is a catalog of the Old Testament books. It is contained in Codex...
- The present study does not propose an exhaustive approach to the way in which the Fathers...
- This study is a bio-bibliographical medallion, dedicated to Gheorghe Băileanu, a lawyer from Iasi....
- Father Arsenie Boca, well-known as a spiritual father and hegumen of Sâmbăta and Prislop...
- Between the years 1950-1956, at the helm of the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Suceava was a worthy...
- Hieromonk Antipas lived in Russia during the time of a very liberal-minded monarch, witnessing not...
- Just as the divine nature and the human nature meet in Christ, two other dimensions meet in His...
- Each virtue has a number of benefits for the Christians who acquire them. The virtue of love is at...
- There is a reception of Hellenism, both in the Syro-Arab world as well as in Byzantium, which...
- The theology of father Dumitru Stăniloae has an obvious spiritual and philocalic feature, being...
- The purpose of this article is to outline the relationship between cult, in general, and the Holy...
- The essence of our study consists in the selection of scriptural verses from the works of St....
- If in the liturgical space, Saint Deacon Ephrem the Siryan is known for the prayer spoken with...
- The intellectual portrait of Father and Conductor Ioan Tatulea sketched out in this study is...
- In the 19th century, amid the great church musical changes worldwide, the Romanian psaltery imposed...