Conf. dr. Vasile CRISTESCU
Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iași
- In his treatise Against Eunomium Saint Gregory of Nyssa specifies both the fundamental lines of the...
- The dependence of Saint Basil the Great on ancient philosophy in the distinction between being and...
- The expression “compound hypostasis” (synthesis, compositio) has been used in Christological dogma...
- The whole structure of theology depends on understanding the person's reality. The author of this...
- Leonţiu de Bizanţ a cărui identitate rămâne încă subiect de dezbatere, este figura centrală a...
- The Christology of the Eastern Fathers, especially that of St. Cyril of Alexandria, was taken up...
- The term „composition” (synthesis, compositio) was used in christological dogma...