Constantin C. Cosmovici (? — 1878), ctitor al Bisericii din Ciornohal (1864-1867) și întemeietor al satului Ciornohal

Constantin C. Cosmovici (? — 1878), ctitor al Bisericii din Ciornohal (1864-1867) și întemeietor al satului Ciornohal

4 Decembrie 2024

Every place of worship has a story about the person or persons who expressed the desire to build it. The purpose of building a church is obvious, the service of God in an organized setting, the newly built church responding to a spiritual need of both the founder and the community, whether monastic or lay. To this primary purpose is added the obligation arising from an act of foundation. While Romanian historiography has retained the names of the great founders of holy places, kings, rulers, nobles and their families, there are also cases in which the names of the founders of a place of worship disappeared in the mists of time. This paper aims to present in an objective and systematic way, based on archival documents, the personality and activity of Constantin C. Cosmovici (uncle of the mother of the composer George Enescu), a young landowner of the late nineteenth century, who managed to build two churches in the outskirts of Botosani County.