Libertatea creștină și actualitatea ei exprimată în Epistolele către Corinteni

Libertatea creștină și actualitatea ei exprimată în Epistolele către Corinteni

11 Septembrie 2012

Rev. Conf. Dr. Ilie Melniciuc Puica, the author of the biblical
research “The Christian freedom and its actuality expressed in
the Epistles to Corinthians” analyses the Church of Korinthos in
the times of Saint Paul the Apostle, and the main issues concerning
the human and Christian freedom existent in this Church and the
missionary and pastoral work of Saint Paul in this field. Concerning
the incest, Saint Paul is very straightforward, condemning it
as a moral deviation and a mortal sin. In addition, the apostle warns
the community of Korinthos about the pagan courts of law and
the participation of the Christians in this courts as a prove of the
week faith and suspicious moral formation of the believers.
The author also analyses some of the main theological themes
of the epistles: the treasury in clay vessels, the new Law, the vision
of the eternal realities etc.