Grija față de cei adormiți în ortodoxie reflectată în gândirea teologică și în practica liturgico-pastorală a părintelui profesor Nicolae D. Necula (18 martie 1944 — 3 septembrie 2017)
19 Martie 2022
Our article deals with the theological thought of Father Nicolae Necula concerning Funeral services in the Orthodox liturgical tradition and several aspects which arise in the parish practice today. We started underlying the place of the work of Father Necula in the context of romanian liturgical research, continuing with some main aspects he focused on his reasearch, ending with a few consideration traying to find out the main characteristics which define his theological work. Concluding we pointed out that in his wrintings Fr. Nicolae Necula, our great liturgist, is deeply rutted in the Orthodox doctrine, patristic thinking and liturgical experience and practice.