- For the Romanian Diaspora, Vienna has represented civilization, prosperity and culture. During the…
- By transmitting the teaching of faith in the so-called patristic phase, which imprinted the…
- The holy icons, although belonging to the Church, haven’t found their place in church’s theory and…
- In order to better understand what is known as the „Septuagint Canon”, it is important to know the…
- Palliative care represents a type of medical care which aims to support the life quality of…
- L’homosexualité se banalise de plus en plus aux États-Unis, y compris dans les milieux orthodoxes.…
- Everything that can be stated about God’s infinite love is apodictically certain. God is not…
- Stăniloae’s Spirituality and Communion in the Orthodox Liturgy represents an elaboration in terms…
- This study proposes a brief reflection on the problematic of the report between the human reason…
- In the study „Endurance through Culture and Faith in Romania’s Concentrating System” the author…