I. The following editorial rules were created as a guide to preparing a theological paper in a correct, consistent, and clear manner, with the intention of having it published in the journal Teologie și Viață. Their exact observance will allow for the editorial preparation of the text without any interference from the editor as far as its content of ideas is concerned.
The first eligibility criterion for an article is its substance. An article that is clear, rigorous, well documented, in agreement with the Orthodox Christian doctrine and respecting the theological and academic principles is accepted for publication with priority.
II. The responsibility for the reflections, opinions or theses expressed in the paper, for the doctrinal correctness of the statements, as well as for any critical standpoints rests solely with the author. They do not represent the point of view of the Doxologia Publishing House or of the Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bucovina.
Articles submitted by PhD. cand. must be accompanied by the recommendation of a university professor.
III. The authors of the manuscripts accepted for publication will be notified by e-mail.
The "pending" articles are texts that do not fit the theme of a specific issue of the journal and that remain in the editor's attention for a forthcoming publication. If you do not consent to this, please send the deadline by which you agree to the publication.
The publishing house reserves the right not to publish works that do not fit the aims and scope of the journal or do not follow the editorial guidelines, as well as the right not to justify the rejection of a manuscript. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned to the authors.
IV. Please let us know if your text has been published before – in the form submitted or in a similar form – or if it has been accepted for publication in another journal.
V. The manuscript submitted for publication must be accompanied by some particulars of the author, in order to facilitate communication with the coordinating editor of the journal:
- name and surname, profession and/or academic title;
- institutional affiliation;
- E-mail or postal mail address;
- phone number
a. General Requirements:
The title must express, in a concise and correct form, the concept to which the article refers.
For the body of the paper, the author is instructed to use the Times New Roman font, size 14, single line spacing, left-right alignment. Footnotes will be typed in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing, and will be inserted automatically.
The manuscript will not exceed 20 pages, using a page layout with the following margins:
- left 2.5 cm;
- right 2 cm;
- up 2 cm;
- down 2 cm.
b. Secondary Requirements:
In the body text of the paper, the title of a literary work will be typed in italics, without the quotation marks.
No capital letters will be used to highlight a word or fragment. In such cases italics will be used.
The name of a saint will be written in full, without abbreviation (e. g., Saint Maximus the Confessor, Saint Gregory the Theologian).
Quotes will be typed in quotation marks ("…"), not italics. In the case of quotations from other quotations, the angle quotes will be used: «…». Other forms of quotation marks will be considered incorrect.
The punctuation marks (semicolon, exclamation mark, etc.) will be followed, not preceded, by a space. No blank spaces should be used within parentheses.
Use only standard abbreviations.
Publishers (Publishing Houses) will be mentioned in full, without abbreviation.
In the body of the paper, the footnote numbers will be placed before the last punctuation mark (1. // 2; // 3? // 4! //), but immediately after the quotation marks of a quote (“...” 5.). In the case of a text that represents a quotation in its entirety, the quotation marks will be placed after the last punctuation mark, but before the footnote number (“...? /! /.” 5).
The pages will be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals placed in the middle at the bottom of each page.
The documentation of the study, the referencing of biblical and patristic literature, the relevance of the bibliographic footnotes for developing the demonstration of the thesis denotes the quality of the research. Documentation sources can be:
- The Holy Scripture and the writings of the Church Fathers;
- specialized works, encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, etc.
- works and data available on the internet (in this case the information must be verified or duplicated by another bibliographic reference).
Do not use in your paper quotes whose sources you cannot specify.
For abbreviations of journals and specialized collections in foreign languages, reference will be made to those in IATG2 (Internationales Abkurzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete), Walther de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1992), with their indication at the end of the article.
A standardization of citation is also required for the biblical passages that accompany the quotations, according to the norms of quoting the texts from the Holy Scripture.
Bibliographic footnotes are used in articles to indicate the source of a specific information or to give some details that would be inconvenient to read if they were interspersed in the text.
I. Citing a Book:
I.1. First Citation:
- First name and last name (CTRL+SHIFT+K) of the author(s) or editor(s) (ed./eds.). The name of the hierarchs will be preceded by †; that of the other clerics will be preceded by the mention: hierom., hierod., rev., deac., and so on. Also, university degrees will be written in lower case (prof., dr., assoc. prof., asst. prof., etc.).
- Title and subtitle of the work (italics);
- volume (vol.);
- in the collection: in col. "Title of the collection";
- edition number (10th edition);
- Publishing House (without abbreviations);
- place of edition or sine loco (s.l.);
- date of publication or sine anno (s.a.);
- page or pages (p./pp.).
Caution! Only the title and subtitle of the volume are typed in italics. All other bibliographic information will be typed using the regular font. The author's name is spelled with CAPS (CTRL+SHIFT+K) and the first name is not spelled with CAPS. The second and subsequent editions are indicated by entering the respective figure before the year of publication above the line (CTRL+SHIFT+=).
Example: Constantin Cucoş (CTRL+SHIFT+K), Educaţia religioasă. Repere teoretice şi metodice, 2nd (CTRL+SHIFT+=) edition, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 1999, pp. 15-17.
I.2. At the Next Citation:
First name and last name of the author / authors, abbreviated title, p.
Example: Constantin Cucoş (CTRL+SHIFT+K), Educaţia religioasă. Repere teoretice şi metodice, p. 94.
The same title abbreviation will be used throughout the paper.
II. Citing Articles Published in Periodicals:
- First name Last name (CTRL+SHIFT+K) (following the same rules as above);
- Title of the article (quotation mark);
- in Name of the journal (italics);
- series, volume or tome with Roman numerals;
- year of publication (with Roman numerals), year (with Arabic numerals). In the case of a newspaper, the date of publication will also be mentioned;
- pages of the article (p./pp.).
Example: I. Hausherr (CTRL+SHIFT+K), „La méthode d'oraison hésychaste”, in Orientalia Christiana, IX (1927), no. 2, pp. 102-103.
II.2. At the Next Citation:
I. Hausherr (CTRL+SHIFT+K), „La méthode d'oraison hésychaste”, pp. 102-103
III. Citing articles/chapters in collective works:
- First name Last name (following the same rules as above);
- „Title of the article/chapter” (regular font);
- in
- the name of the editor (ed.);
- The title of the collective volume (italics);
- The publishing house (without abbreviations);
- place of publication or sine loco (s.l.);
- date of publication or sine anno (s.a.);
- page or pages (p./pp.).
In the case of a paper with more than three authors, only the first name and surname of the first editor (ed.) or author will be mentioned, followed by “et alii” (regular font).
Example: Radu Preda (CTRL+SHIFT+K), “Cultura dialogului sau despre o altă relaţie Biserică-stat”, in Cristian Bădiliţă (CTRL+SHIFT+K) (ed.), Nostalgia Europei. Volum în onoarea lui Alexandru Paleologu, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2003, pp. 148-163.
IV. Quoting a classic work
IV.1. PG/PL/PO and volume number with Arabic numerals, column:
PG 99, 578.
Example: Tertulian (CTRL+SHIFT+K), 'De Carne Christi', XVIII, in PL 2, 828 B-C
V. Citing Electronic Sources:
First name Last name (CTRL+SHIFT+K) of the author, Title of the electronic article, in internet source.
Due to the fact that many websites are constantly changing their content, the citation will also mention the date on which the URL was accessed.
Example Ioan Cristinel Teșu (CTRL+SHIFT+K), Friendship is the basis of a happy love relationship, in…, accessed 09 August 2023.
VI. Quoting a newspaper article is similar to quoting articles published in periodicals, except that it is appropriate to specify the date of publication.
First name, "Title of article", in Title of publication, date (day/month/year), page (p.), column (col.).
Example: Andrei Pleșu (CTRL+SHIFT+K), "The meaning of life - preparatory score", in Dilema Veche, 6 March 2009, p. 6.
The manuscript will be sent to the editors as a document file (Microsoft Word format).
The texts in Greek or Hebrew, as well as those with special characters will contain all the necessary graphic signs (accents, spirits, vowels, etc.). Any special fonts used will be sent, together with the manuscript, to the editorial office.
Images (photos, icons, maps, etc.) can only be inserted when they provide information relevant to the paper. In this case, the author will specify the source of the images, and whether or not he or she owns the copyright.
Each study will be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words (approximately 10-15 lines) and 5-7 keywords. The abstract should not contain abbreviations, footnotes, or bibliographic references.
The title, abstract and keywords (in Romanian) will be written in an international language (English, German, French).
The manuscript will be sent in electronic word format by Email
- as an attachment, to the address of the coordinating editor:;
or to the address of the journal Teologie și Viață: