Construcția palatului mitropolitan din Iași, de Arhiepiscopul Partenie Clinceni (1902-1905) — studiu de caz

The metropolitan Palace, in the courtyard of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina, in its current form, is the fruit of the Archbishop Partenie Clinceni's efforts. Ever since his arrival in Iasi, the first concern of the hierarch was the rebuilding of the metropolitan palace, a building constructed by the Archbishop Iacob Stamate (1792-1803), at the end of the 18th century. The restoration action conceived by Partenie is in the style of the great architect Viollet-le-Duc. The metropolitan residence was uncovered to the brick and even dug under the original foundation, and the additions made radically change the original shape of the building, for this reason we can say that Partenie is the one who built, almost from the foundations the current palace, idea supported by the hierarch himself.