Theo-humanism as a leading principle of pastoral activity in the thought of Father Božidar Mijač

Theo-humanism as a leading principle of pastoral activity in the thought of Father Božidar Mijač

13 Iunie 2024

For Fr Božidar Mijać-Christian theology must be focusing on humanising of con- temporary world. That derives from God’s incarnation: God in Christ becomes human – it is foundation of all Church’s theo-humanism. To serve God is not applicable without positive attitude toward other humans. Justice is ontological state of Church. For that reason theological anthropology means answering on contemporary or timeless dilemmas as challenging of necessity of existential questions. For other side, if question of God is central for Church and faith, Church is community of modern society that correlatively work among others on good and progress of humans and society as whole. For that reason the task of Church, as religious community, is to perform humanising function, and Church and secular efforts toward human progress derives from God. The imperative of Church is to perform good in limits of our possibility and our appliances. However, doctrinal differences between Church and other ideologies remains, and according to Church’s approach that present the state of sinful and imperfect world. Thus Church is in confrontation within the pluralism of the world that means solidarity but not identity with it. But in that vision Mijač did not prolonged prophetic vision of Church as substance of world in the sense to be critique against totalitarian regimes. Church has transcen- dental character and live with the consciousness of new eon, Kingdom of God, from her beginning. For that reason the task of Church is to continually transform and revo- lutionize historical immanentism toward her final point. According to Mijač of impor- tance is charismatic aspect of clergy that reveals in preaching, pastorship in wider sense of Word of God toward building Church and salvation of people. From that per- spective it is form of agape – pastoral (charismatic) activity in providing of spiritual support, social activity and various aspect of cultural activity such as elimination of illiteracy, attempt of scientific research, art exhibition, organizing lecture.