Tabloul satului românesc în plin război mondial, zugrăvit de omiletica protoiereului academician Ioan Lupaș
This paper, takes a fresh look at the following argument: It is worth considering that orthodox priests, served with allegiance the moral, intelectual and material necessities of theirs rural parishes. One of this orthodox priests, very well as rhetorician, is Ioan Lupaș, member of Romanian Academy and Profesor of Romanian History at Cluj-Napoca. He’s homiletics reflects the genuine life of Romanian orthodox peasants, who tried to promote their faith in all sorts of socio, economical and political aspects. For instance, the homilies of Father Ioan Lupaş, who was a fine cognoscente of the roumanian people history, was a subtle rhetorical artifice: it encapsulates metaphor, epithet, rhetorical question, litotes, impersonation, encomion, hyperbole, allegory and so on. All of these rhetorical procedures, in order to mentain a high vibrational spiritual energy of virtues, in the souls of his listeners, are encapsulated in the image of natural romanian village of 20th century.