Postul şi rugăciunea — stări harice ale comuniunii omului cu Dumnezeu
This study presents Fasting and Prayer as gracious conditions in the communion of man with God, as well as the effects that they have both on the ecclesial community in general and on each believer in particular. The Scripture shows that the most important part of Fasting and Prayer is regaining thegracious condition before sin; equally important seems to be the fact in itselfthe inner transformation of man, urging to the rejection of sin, selfishnessand return to truth. Christian Fasting is a religious practice involving partial or total restrain from certain foods that come from animals, from drinking, and evil thoughts and acts, on a longer or shorter period of time, as decided by Church. Dis- tinguishingclearly from diets recommended out of medical or health maintenancereasons, fasting as religious practice has no end in itself, but is primarily linked to the fulfillment of the gracious condition received sacramentally within the ecclesial community.The purpose of fasting is to strengthen Christian communion and union with Christ by receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Therefore, the role of the Fasting and Prayer is very important for Christian life because advancing in Holiness is a process developed simultaneously to advancing into Christ.