Mormântul familiei Vasile şi Maria Rusovici din curtea Bisericii „Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul”, Iaşi — mărturii peste timp
In our study about the funeral monument dedicated to the family Vasile and Maria Rusovici, important supporters of church St. John the Baptism we started with a synthesis of the history of this church, continuing with a presentation of the houses around the parish church built and donated to St. John church by Vasile and Maria Rusovici, a pious faitful reach family in Iassy at the beginning of the 20th century. Those houses had to be used as educational, administrative and acommodation places by the School of church singers organized in Iassy. In addition we added informations about the unfortunate and strange history those houses faced during communist times in Romania. Speaking about a funeral monument we pointed out in our study a few theological and spiritual significances the cemetery has in our Orthodox understanding. Finally, our study is to be a humble contribution to the clarification of the history of the church dedicated to St. John the Baptism and a sign of gratitude to the founder of the church, Voievod Miron Barnovschi, and to Rusovici family.