Nevoia și sensul reformei educației religioase și a învățământului teologic, în concepția Părintelui Profesor Dumitru Stăniloae
17 Decembrie 2013
In the understanding of Father Dumitru St\niloae, theology means not talking about God, but talking to Him, the dialogue with Him achieved during a state of prayer. It is not an elaborate discourse about Him, but His call to a sincere and pure dialogue held with sincerity in the inside world. A dialogue achieved after a pure, focused prayer, which arises from purity and love. Similarly, theology doesn’t mean a system of knowledge about God, nor a speech about His attributes, but a dialog with Him, through a high spiritual life and through the pure prayer. He also emphasizes the sense of the theological education reform: through a high spiritual education, to the highest way of living and struggling.