Mitropolitul Vladimir Repta (1841-1926)

Vladimir Repta is the last metropolitan bishop of Bukovina during the domination of the Austrian Empire. After finishing his universitary studies inside the country and abroad, he became a professor at the Faculty of Theology from Cernauti, then a dean and a rector. After he took the monastic vows he ascended the hierachy being firstly a vicar-general then a bishop of Radauti, archbishop of Cernauti and metropolitan bishop of Bukovina and Dalmatia. As a metropolitan bishop he was concerned with the welfare of the clergy. Thus he built rectories and he repaired numerous churches and monasteries. The metropolitan bishop Vladimir Repta was a supporter of the Union. He was elected a senator and as a senior he was appointed the first chairman of the Senate, being strongly recommended by his exquisite skills. Two years before he departed from this life he had retired from the metropolitan bishop’s duties . He was buried in the Bukovinean Bishops’Chapel.