„Lumina dumnezeiască” revărsată asupra omului în teologia Sfântului Simeon Noul Teolog
In the present article, the identification and analysis of the senses is repeated and the dawn of light is formed in the resurrection of Saint Symeon the New Theolog: Chapters, Catecheses, Discourses and Hymns, summary, events and manifestations in the creation of divine light. In this way, the relevance of the study can be seen, considering that in the world of theology, a modest contribution was made to the evidence of the resurrection theme of the prayer of Saint Symeon the New Theolog, namely, the sea of light. Roate, in the first place, should have considered the importance of such a study in the field of religious unity, having in mind the introduction into the field of theology of a new religion freed from the element of solstice and based on the living existence of the Saints, offering access to the sound and sight of God. The importance of the study will be more evident in the рѕіһо-реdаgоgіcal.