Words with great power and collaboration: towards an open-source methodology in theology

Words with great power and collaboration: towards an open-source methodology in theology

10 June 2024

In an era of open-source software, the place of theology in the world needs a shift towards a more participatory approach. The great advantage of participatory theology is that it contributes to a more inclusive and global discourse by benefiting from the local forms of expression, allowing people of God to get involved in a distributed community of researchers dealing with contemporary theological issues. Brainstorming sessions, international collaboration and online communication are the future tools of an open-source-oriented theological methodology (Orthodox Collaborative Theology). Who is going to be the beneficiary of such an open-source initiative (OCT)? The world. Modern-day theological endeavors, in order to remain connected with the pre-existing tradition of the Church, should always aim to use words with great power, as the seal of the Spirit who works for the life of the world.