No. 1-4, January-April 2020 Quarantine and isolation in a pandemic context. Biblical landmarks for current events 28 July 2020 Rev. Lect. PhD. Cătălin VATAMANU Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Dumitru Stăniloae" of Iași THE WORLD IN A PANDEMIC SITUATION — THEOLOGICAL ANSWERS TO THE CURRENT SITUATIONS In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, the message of the state or local administration, "Stay at home!", an urge assumed with responsibility by the members of Church, must mobilizing the people in limiting the spread of the virus. But for some, the exhortation "Stay in the house!" it is just a virtual hashtag, valid only for hypochondriacs. Holy Scripture refers to the period of 40 days as a time of trial of our faithfulness, of the purification and sanctification of life, and warns us on the reality of the consequences of sins in our lives and the need to take refuge in the house, where we can find God working His blessing with us, mysteriously. 10_Catalin Vatamanu - Carantina si izolare.pdf (172.93 KB) Download PDF Tags Sfânta Scriptură coronavirus asistență socială pronie vindecare carantină izolare.