Man — a compendium between Eternity and Transience

The search for meanings of contemporary human is diametrically opposed to paradisiac experience of the forefathers. If, in the beginning, man has lived with the desire to return to the paradisiacal garden, living in the vicinity of Eden (Genesis 3, 24), today man has the eyes directed only toward the ground, and forgetting about his dichotomous composition, body and soul, but also the warning of the author of Ecclesiast, who tells us that only the soul is eternal and rest is vanity (12, 8). The first part of this study brings to the fore the theological arguments of human superiority in relation to the rest of creation, that it connects the two worlds, the spiritual and the material. In the second part is emphasized the redemptive work of Christ in the world, which enables our spiritual transfiguration and deification as a finality that we need to impropriate us through the participation with our whole being to the Eucharistic Supper.