The Joy of Salvation expressed by Singing in the Psalm 97

The Psalm97 is a hymn of praise offered to God for his blessings to the Hebrew people in the time of King David. By singing is expressed joy of salvation for both the Hebrew (as deliverance of pagan peoples invasions) and the Christians (as salvation brought by Christ through his sacrifice and resurrection). The joy of salvation is universal and is manifested by all musical means of the time: the human voice (suggested by the exhortation „shout for joy to the Lord, sing…!”), stringed instruments (the lyre - kinnor, the harp), wind instruments (the trumpet – shopharor hatsotsera) and percussion (suggested by the personification „let the rivers clap their hands”), which resonates whole creation of God - the sea, rivers, mountains. Psalm 97 remains an authentic model for expression of joy through spiritual songs.