1882 - year of the first issue of „Candela”- Metropolitan of Bukovina
The history of the religious-literary journal „Candela" begins in 1882, when the worthy of remembrance Silvestru Morariu Andrievici was Archbishop of Cernăuţi and Metropolitan of Bukovina and Dalmaţia (1880-1895). „Candela" was the official church journal of the Metropolitan of Bukovina reaching every village, city, parochial and city library and Institution. On the 8th (20th) of April 1882, the Metropolitan Silvestru Morariu Andrievici issued The Circular and The Regulations for the religious- literary Journal of Cernăuţi. He sent the two documents, on the 17th (29th) of April 1882 (entrance number 30) for publication in Foaia Ordinăciunilor a Consistoriului arhiepiscopal în afacerile Arhidiecezei ortodoxe orientale a Bucovinei, no. 4, year 1882. As an official bulletin of The Orthodox Church in Bukovina, „Candela" was to give prestige to the diocese and identity to the Church and the romainians in Bukovina.