Elogiu adus satului botoșănean — satul natal evocat de marii duhovnici botoșăneni

Elogiu adus satului botoșănean — satul natal evocat de marii duhovnici botoșăneni

6 Iulie 2020

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church has decided that the year 2019 will be proclaimed, in the Romanian Patriarchate, "The homage year of the Romanian village (of priests, teachers and householders)". In this work, I tried to present the life and spiritual specificity of the former Moldovan village, reflected in the memories and the work of the most important servants of our Church, born in the county of Botoșani: Saint Iacob of Neamț-Hozevitul, Father Paisint Olaru Cleopa Ilie and Father Patriarch Teoctist Arăpașu. In fact, they bring a vibrant eulogy to the traditional village, evoking so beautifully and suggestively the native village, the parents and the bodily siblings, the spiritual parents (priests and teachers). At the same time, the great fathers in Botoșani also describe the patriarchal life, the customs and traditions of the ancestral Christians who ruled in the universe of the Romanian village.