Conținutul și locul predicii după doctrina canonică a Bisericii Ortodoxe

Conținutul și locul predicii după doctrina canonică a Bisericii Ortodoxe

10 Septembrie 2012

In this study it is shown the purpose and the importance of
sermon in clerics’ activity, but especially that the sermon must be
held following the canonical rules established by the Orthodox
Church. These rules contain precise references both to the sermon’s
message and to the place where it is held, rules that clerics must
obbey in respect to their mission of spreading the word of Gospel.
Only in this way, they are able to keep untouched the theological
treasure trove they received from the Church of Christ. They also
must rely on the Saint Scriptures as a necessary support and on all
the intimately related commentaries offered by the spirit illuminated
Fathers of the Church.