Poate fi echivalat „golemul” din Psalmul 138, 16 cu Isaia 53, 2? O tipologie hristologică embrionară a Vechiului Testament
6 Iulie 2020
Starting from the text Ps 138, 16, but also from a prophetic text, Is 53, 2, we analyzed from the biblical point of view some aspects in relation to a possible equivalence between a poetic text and one with a pronounced prophetic character. The red thread that unites the two texts is, in practice, a messianic, revelatory idea, about which it offers testimony and other places of Scripture. Following the analysis of the most important parts of the Messiah, I intend to deduce that the biblical testimonies speak of what Jesus will be: from the body of the Virgin Mary God will appear as a human being, coming into the world he created to save her.