Învățături ale Sfântului Paisie Aghioritul despre educația copiilor
Santified in 2015, Saint Paisios the Athonite is one of the greatest gifts Mount Athos and the Greek Church has offered to our wrought up world and to its contemporary and restless breather. The study in case brings forward precepts regarding modern family challenges and their possible spiritual answer. The purpose of a profound Christian education is not only to fulfil the human being as an individual, but also to work out one′s own salvation of the soul and contribute to the well-being of the Church and of the citizenry. Saint Paisios wrote that people of today have steel hearts, always looking for the sky and its stars, exploring every detail of the cell, but never finding time to focus on their soul. The author describes Saint Paisios′ morals on contemporary family and presents the criteria of establishing one.