The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb (Rev. 15:3-4) — Biblical and Hymnographic Reflections

In the apostolic age, synagogue worship was the model/norm for early Christian worship. Three main cultic elements can be identified which were taken over and adapted to the Christian faith and liturgical experience: the singing of psalms, hymns and other spiritual songs. The final book of the New Testament, with its profound prophetic and anamnetic content, called the Revelation of John, names two songs in Rev 15:3-4: the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. The first song of Moses, as related by Exodus 15 in lyrical form, is clearly referred to by the author of the New Testament Revelation. Biblical intertextual allusions drawn from the Psalms, Jeremiah or Tobit enrich the memory of Christian listeners, but above all rewrite the doxological tension of the following believers. The Song of the Lamb, especially alluded to in Rev 14, is part of the sequence of salvation promised to the new people of God, who interiorise the sacrifice of the Lamb by singing of his victory. The two hymns listed in Rev 15:3-4 have a tripartite structure, and their cultic reception in Christianity is confirmed by the structure of the service of the matins, also re-configured at the level of the Christian burial service.