The Romanian Monasticism under the Communist Dictatorship between 1950 and 1959

The Romanian Monasticism under the Communist Dictatorship between 1950 and 1959

11 September 2012

The author of the historical research “The Romanian monastic
life under the Communist dictatorship between 1950 and 1959”, Hieromonk
Cosma Giosanu, presents on the basis of documents, the
tragic situation of the monks and nuns of the Romanian Orthodox
Church during the Communist regime of the last century. The oppression
of the monks started with a concerted action in order to diminish
the number of monks in the monasteries, the laws against those
who wanted to follow a monastic life, the hard decrees limiting
the recruitments of the monasteries, culminating with the infamous
Decree 410, when all the young monks were banished from the monasteries
and under compulsive laws were forced to join secular