The Logic of Religion and the Christian Education
The Christian theological education is an essential missionary requirement, which does not mean only the transmission of intellectual information about a certain God, separate from the world and in an inaccessible transcendence, but about God with us, through His Incarnate Son, in the communion with the Holy Spirit, God who fill His Church with grace and light. The meaning of Christian education is a doxological one: to praise the revealed God, who come into the heart of mankind through the Incarnation of Christ and through the sanctifying and saving presence of the Holy Spirit. The ultimate goal of the theological education of the people of God is to educate and inform Christians of all ages and socio-professional categories about God's love for people, experienced in the ecclesial communion by knowing the events of the history of salvation. The Christian education calls us to have the thought, the love and the will of Christ, with the consciousness that God fulfils, according to the evangelical logic, the human helplessness.