The suicidal phenomenon – an interreligious approach
To a certain extent, the suicide can be considered to have an „ecumenical” condition as it is mutual for all religions and neither one can prevent it among its members. Throughout history, the suicide has been analyzed and treated distinctly by the religious, medical and social media. However, regardless of religious community belonging to a great religion, there was an unitary position relating to suicide, each community regarding it officially as a sin involving critical consequences both at the level of psychic sphere, by collateral effects induced into the proximal familial and social medium, and spiritual sphere. However, in spite of clearly expressed teachings of their holy writings, a series of religious fanatics, making use of some ambiguous religious concepts, has exploited the naivety of some ignorant people, pushing them towards the suicidal act for religious, nationalistic or military reasons. The present study endeavours to emphasize some common and particular aspects of the great monotheistic religions with regard to suicide, offering also a global statistic of the suicidal events.