Mitropolitul Ghedeon al Moldovei (1653-1659; 1664-1671)
Metropolitan Ghedeon has ruled the Moldavian Church of for two pastorates (1653-1659; 1664-1671), being contemporary with two great giants: the Saint Metropolitan Varlaam and the Saint Metropolitan Dosoftei. Due to the shine of the two great metropolitans, the portrait of Metropolitan Ghedeon remained shadowed and barely outlined. Moreover, as we indicate, the great historian Nicolae Iorga has added shades of charcoal to this portrayal. We tried, as much as possible, to reveal the historical character of Metropolitan Ghedeon in a positive light. Erudite, diplomat and patriot, apprentice and meritorious follower of the Saint Metropolitan Varlaam Motoc, Ghedeon was contemporary and in good relations with great figures of his age. We described the ecclesiastical patronage of Metropolitan Ghedeon and his involvement in the spiritual affairs of the time.