The Great Union from 1918 Reflected in the Journal ”Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Suceava”

The Great Union from 1918 Reflected in the Journal ”Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Suceava”

6 March 2020

In the pages of the orthodox theological journals, several texts were published on the subject of the Great Union from 1918, or the involvement of hierarchs and clerics in its formation, from 1945 to 1989. In the theological journal „Mitropolia Moldovei şi Sucevei” were published 15 articles and studies on the subject of the Great Union from 1918. The present text aims to analyze the 15 texts that were published between 1968 and 1988. The only original text that was not affected by communist censorship was the one written by I. D. Lăudat, the rest being impregnated by elements with a specific communist ideology.