“The Customs of Heaven”

Rev. Dr. Adrian Zaharia in his theological research “The Customs
of Heaven”, analyses one of the most important theological
and ritualistic tradition of the Orthodox Churches, called „the customs
of heaven”, a sort of axiological steps in the afterlife of every
human being, where the person is asked of his or her life on the
earth. The author tries to find cultural and ethnological contexts
in this tradition and also the biblical texts that would support such
a view. This tradition of customs appears together with a tradition
of giving coins for the soul of the deceased, tradition present
in several religious traditions in history, from the Egyptians and
Greeks. The presence of this tradition is a sign of the preoccupation
of the people to order their life in order to correspond to the precepts
and commandments of our Saviour Jesus Christ. This tradition
is an expression of methodological explanation of Christian
life for all the people.