Biblical grounding for the divine light theology in the Father Stăniloae’s work

Formulated in the history as confession and dogma of the Church, the consubstantiality of the Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit expressed through the metaphor of „light” is one of the favourite themes of the great theological dogmatist Dumitru Staniloae. He grounded the theology of enlightenment, of the human participation by grace to the divine glory, on the biblical experience testified through the liturgical and philokalical life of the Church. Writing about the presence of the divine light in the life of Church, in general, and in the life of man, in particular, Father Dumitru Staniloae highlights the Triune God as a communion of three Persons, but also that the man, „inwardly impelled to the opening through the light”, has as foundation, which created and supports him, the light of divine love. Only in this light becomes the man a god by grace. At that stage, „united with Him, we will fill us with light and all universe will be in the Kingdom of Heaven a Kingdom of Light, a Kingdom of the light scattered between the Persons of the Trinity and from the Trinity to the persons united with Christ”.