Editorial board

I.P.S. TEOFAN, Metropolitan of Moldavian and Bukovina

I.P.S. CALINIC, Archbishop of Suceava and Rădăuţi

I.P.S. IOACHIM, Archbishop of Roman and Bacău
P.S. IGNATIE, Bishop of Huşi

P.S. NICHIFOR BOTOȘĂNEANUL, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese Iași
P.S. DAMASCHIN DORNEANUL, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese Suceava and Rădăuți

Archim. PhD Hrisostom RĂDĂȘANU, counselor for education at Archdiocese Iaşi. E-mail: hrisostomr@gmail.com
Rev. Assoc. Prof. PhD Paul-Cezar HÂRLĂOANU, higher education counselor at Archdiocese Iaşi, dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae”, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. E-mail: harlaoanu@yahoo.com
Rev. Prof. PhD Viorel SAVA, director of the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae”,  ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. E-mail: savavi@gmail.com
Rev. Prof. PhD Dragoş BAHRIM, Director of the Theological Seminary ”Sf. Vasile cel Mare”, Iaşi. E-mail: dragos.bahrim@gmail.com
Prof. PhD Paul GAVRILYUK, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, USA. E-mail: PLGAVRILYUK@stthomas.edu

Prof. PhD Sebastian MOLDOVAN, Faculty of Orthodox Theology ”Andrei Șaguna”, Sibiu. E-mail: smoldova@yahoo.com

Prof. PhD Ștefan MUNTEANU, Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe «Saint Serge», Paris. E-mail: stefan.munteanu@saint-serge.net

Prof. PhD Felicia DUMAS, Faculty of Letters, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași. E-mail: felidumas@yahoo.fr

Lect. PhD Sorin GUIA, Faculty of Letters, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași. E-mail: soringuia01@yahoo.com

Researcher PhD Petre GURAN, researcher at the Institute of South-Eastern European Studies of the Romanian Academy. E-mail: petreguran@yahoo.fr

Prof. PhD Nicu GAVRILUȚĂ, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi. E-mail: nicolas@uaic.ro

Prof. PhD Constantin CUCOȘ, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi. E-mail: cucos@uaic.ro

Prof. PhD Daniel MUNTEANU, Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Educational Sciences, ”Valahia” University, Târgoviște. E-mail: daniel.munteanu@web.de

Rev. Assoc. Prof. PhD Roger CORESCIUC, Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae”,  ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. E-mail: roger_coresciuc@yahoo.com

Rev. Assist. Prof. PhD Cristian Alexandru BARNEA, counselor for education at Archdiocese Iaşi. E-mail: cristi.barnea@yahoo.com

Assist. Prof. PhD Oana-Maria FRANȚESCU, Faculty of Letters, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași. E-mail: oanamariapetrovici@yahoo.co.uk

Researcher II PhD Ana-Maria GÎNSAC, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (ICI), "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași. E-mail: anamaria_gansac@yahoo.com


Rev. Assist. Prof. PhD Gabriel PIȘTEA – editor coordinator. E-mail: gabriel.pistea@mmb.ro

Rev. PhD Bogdan-Vlăduț BRÎNZĂ – editor. E-mail: bogdan.brinza@mmb.ro

PhD. Cand. Gheorghiță-Mădălin CEOBANU - editor. E-mail: madalin.ceobanu@mmb.ro

Rev. PhD Ioan-Lucian RADU – assistant coordinator editor. E-mail: lucian.radu@edituradoxologia.ro 
Lia GOCIU – corrector
Rema ZUGRAVU – desktop publishing
Lucian DRAGOMIR – cover design